After a tearful goodbye we got on the road only to hit traffic jam after traffic jam all the way to Gainesville. We heard that once again that morning tornados hit the south and people lost lives :( Our thoughts are with the families and friends that have to live with this tragedy. We tried to find a good spot to dry dock but all of the good spots were taken at the rest areas so we had to park on the side of the entrance ramp going from a rest area. It was so noisy, and every time a truck went by on the highway the wind from it rocked the coach. Somehow we did get sleep and the Puggles were troopers sleeping through all the noise. They are great little travelers. We did manage to stumble upon a shoe in the weeds at a rest area (shoe #40) We arrived at Styx River Resort and got hooked up in record time and let the dogs go play in the river, Jinny was so happy. she ran and dug and swam going just willy nilly :) Note to selves: Penfolds, Thomas Hyland, Australia, Cabernet 2003