Well it is Addy time again, the Advertising Federation Advertising Awards banquet. We headed out early for Pensacola, I was proud of us since we did not sleep well, but we hit the road with vigor. The sky was glowed an eerie orange and it was so hot and humid, you could feel the energy in the atmosphere, it was going to storm hard soon. The sky grew so dark, almost black on our way past Sarasota. The rain fell harder than i have ever seen, and I have been through some hurricanes and tropical downpours in Florida over the years. We slowly cam out of it, it was an intense line of storms, we soon found out it was a deadly line.
Tornadoes were generated by this system just hours earlier that ravaged and destroyed parts of central Florida, 19 people perished, most still asleep in bed when they struck. My heart sank as we past the Lady Lake exit where most of the casualties happened :( I did find a shoe just past that exit to photograph (shoe #28) that I want to commemorate to the memories of those who tragically lost their lives to mother nature’s fury. It was still wet from the storms that spawned that devastation and dirt still blasted to its side from the blowing winds. I thought about stoping to take some photos, but I no longer want to see lives of others literally torn wide open :( Our thoughts are with you all. Down the road a bit another sight that sucks to see and has become a familiar sight to us is a convoy of FEMA vehicles speeding to a disaster zone.
The ADDYs did not play out like I had hoped for the idgroup team, our DestinFirst campaign got snubbed. There were some nice pieces that won but mostly what I call “fluff” won. The strategy behind the work was not really given any consideration and that was our strong point. But it was a great time anyway, I got to hang out with the idgroup team, which really feels more like family. And the best way to sum it all up is to quote a part of one of my idgroup teammate’s and dear friend’s email…
“I feel compelled to write. It was obvious at this evening’s event that some were disappointed that idgroup didn’t earn more awards. I can honestly say, I was not disappointed. Here’s why: because what we have is so special and so beyond what any award could capture. Forgo our “industry” for a minute. First and foremost, each of you are among some of the BEST people I’ve encountered in my 34 short years. idgroup is blessed not only with TALENTED people but
GOOD people. REALLY GOOD people. And, REALLY REAL people. My biggest
award tonight and every day is being surrounded by people who I have grown to respect, admire, and love.”
How can one not feel lifted by such great words? I have said it before and I will say it again. I am so fortunate to have so many wonderful people in my life, it gives me wealth beyond money. I live a blessed life and am so thankful for all of you!
And to put a lighthearted spin on the event, when Sharon got her dinner plate it had steak and a cornish game hen on it. And as you may or may not know, she is a vegetarian. So when we asked if she could get the vegetarian dinner, that took her plate and went to retrieve her “vegetarian” dinner, complete with two chicken breasts! Because you know they thought well she doesn’t eat meat, so give her chicken! WHAT!?!?! My goodness, some fact is truly funnier than fiction.