Well Sharon and i have been blessed again. We have been trying to keep it a secret just so as not to Jinx it. But we are 12 weeks now, so we feel safe to let the cat out of the bag. These next few blog entries are going to be looking back over the past 4 weeks of the pregnancy so I can document for myself what has happened so far and to fill everyone in as well.
While in Baltimore Sharon took a home pregnancy test because she was late. We had not even being trying as it was the holidays and we were thinking about waiting a few months still since we had been unsuccessful a few times already and it was emotionally draining to be unsuccessful.But as life always does, it gets you when you are not expecting it. We were excited but cautiously guarded as we did not want to get hopes up that early, plus after what happened with Noah, we are very scared that it may not work out again. I guess we are jaded and got humbled by the events from the last pregnancy. Plus we wanted to wait until we met with a doctor to be for sure that we were in fact pregnant.
The hardest thing to do has been to tell people about the pregnancy. We feel every time we tell someone we put ourselves out there and it will make a loss be that much more painful. So we only told a few people, because we were excited inside after all and had to share it with someone. But our happiness is tempered with the knowledge that life is fragile and anything can happen. The old saying of “Ignorance is Bliss” is sooo true. Last time we were so blissfully happy we never imagined something tragic could happen. We know better this time so it is hard to be too excited. We will only be truly happy when we hold a healthy, breathing baby in our arms. We are filled with so many mixed emotions from this as you can imagine. But the strongest and most powerful one right now is Hope. We have real hope this will work out this time.
And so with this, another adventure begins . . .