He's got my feet!

Well it has been a while since I last blogged, I am going to start blogging more as we get closer to the birth of our first (and last :) child, Noah. I just think if for no other reason than for him to read someday, I should start documenting his first years of life on this earth.
And those many that know us, know we do not do things like the rest of the world. Sharon and I kinda march to our own beat so to speak. So it should come to no surprise to you that we are not having this child in a hospital, but rather the traditional at-home-birth method, via a mid-wife. This is for several reasons, but most of all, we want to ease Noah into this world in the relaxed, nurturing environment of our home. As opposed to the almost violent and cold hospital environment. While we think this is the best method, it by no means is implying that everyone who gives birth in a hospital did something wrong. You should did what you thought at the time was the best for your child. And that is all anyone can ask. But please if you are getting ready to have a child, or planning to have one. Take a VERY close look into the practices and procedures of OB/GYNs. They are surgeons. They live in a very clinical world where humans behaving humanly is an inconvenience to them. Please if you get a chance watch the documentary “The Business of Birth” by Ricki Lake. It gives a very real and eye-opening look into the world of child birth. Another good one is “What Babies Want” by Noah Wyle. You owe it to yourself and your child to take these few hours to research and then make whatever decision you want to make. At least then you will see both sides and be well informed. We watch these videos per the advice/teaching of our doula friend, Elizabeth Taylor. She is an amazing person, her soul is very alive and bright. She has been a very positive energy in this birthing process.
So to that note, we are going to keep everyone up to date on how this whole home birth goes. We plan on having a birthing tub, but when it gets going, who knows where Sharon will feel most comfortable at the moment of birth.
We are not going completely blind through all of this without modern medicine. There are great tools and technology we plan to take advantage of. Specifically ultrasound. We want to know what is going on in there and if little Noah is progressing well. Thankfully, he is incubating just fine in there. He is a little on the small side of normal, but so were Sharon and I so it is perfectly normal for babies in our families. And if anything should go wrong during birth, then that is where the OB/GYNs excel. They are great when there needs to be intervention. We could not live without modern medicine at times. We just believe that doctors and hospitals are for trauma, not for normal healthy human functions such as births. That just is not there forte in our opinion.
So I guess little Noah will be the majority of my blogging subject for the next 18 years or so. But as the RV lifestyle was a journey, so is parenthood. There will be twists and turns, forks in the road, speed bumps, smooth highways, chewed up detours and ups and downs, I just hope we can just can the wheels on and always moving forward :)