HAPPY 1st BIRTHDAY NORA! Nora not too sure about this chocolate thing yet. I am sure that will change.
Every parent says it, “I cannot believe it has been a year already!” and they also say, “look how big she has gotten!” I think both things as I look through her pics from birth to now. It has been an incredible journey. I am so thankful I never missed a day. By working at home I saw her wake up every day, and kissed her goodnight at the end of it. I got to see her go from a bobble head to now running around talking. She can even use a fork and even strum a guitar! Where did my baby go? I will miss my little baby girl, but I have a feeling she will always be that little baby girl to me. But parents who have been here and done this, tell me it only gets better, that even the teen years have special moments. Not sure if I believe that yet :) So without getting too sappy I am going to just say “HAPPY 1st BIRTHDAY MONKEY!!!”
Below is a gallery of selected photos from Noraslife.com over the course of the year, I hope you enjoy the innocence and joy that is a little newborn baby’s growth to toddlerhood. Perhaps it can be a bright spot on what is otherwise a gloomy day in the history of the United States, the victims of 911 aren’t not forgotten.