Little Nora, as snug as a bug in a rug
It is pretty hard sometimes, as at this time last year Noah was 35 weeks. The hardest is looking at back at the blog entries from that time and hear the excitement in my writing. This is the first time I have went back and read some. I was so optimistic and certain Noah was meant to be…
” I am going to start blogging more as we get closer to the birth of our first (and last :) child, Noah. I just think if for no other reason than for him to read someday, I should start documenting his first years of life on this earth. I guess little Noah will be the majority of my blogging subject for the next 18 years or so. But as the RV lifestyle was a journey, so is parenthood. There will be twists and turns, forks in the road, speed bumps, smooth highways, chewed up detours and ups and downs, I just hope we can keep the wheels on and always moving forward :)”
Never did the thought cross my mind we might lose him :( God I miss him. The end of this month will be the anniversary of his birth and death.