Since we are notoriously running late for everything we do it seems, we wanted to overcome that stigma. It started out smooth in the morning. But Sharon and I had to get a few things for the show that should not take long…or so we thought. The stop at Home Depot took longer for me than I wanted. I had to buy PVC and connectors to create a bin for our matted prints for people to flip through. I did make a nice bin however, but it was now approaching 12:00. So we now had to visit idgroup, drop off the Puggles at Mona’s, make it back to the Cultural Center to setup. Sharon had to iron the sheet, I had 4 frames to assemble, signs to hang, a banner to hang, a map to create and more all by 3:30 to go back, shower and get ready and back to open the show at 4:30. Makes me out of breath just typing it!
Somehow we managed to get it all done except i forgot my participation sheets :( The rest of the night was downhill and fun. I saw many of my friends and I appreciate everyone of you for coming out. The food was great, the beer and wine never ran out, and we had a great turnout, all the while collecting new shoes and over $200.00 for Shoes That Fit.
While I did not sell anything for myself, it was a success in our eyes as it raised money and awareness for a good cause also I built some name recognition for myself in the Pensacola area. I will now begin planning for our next event, hopefully in Austin, TX. Stay Tuned :)