Politics, the Great Divider

Well I have tried not to involve politics in my life too much as I actually hate it. I am not a political person by nature. I wear my emotions on my sleeve and never calculate my moves. i do not live life strategically, but rather I live day to day pretty much. Which...

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust…

Ashes to Ashes, and dust to dust rang through my head today as I dug the hole in which we buried little Noah’s Ashes today :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( I write this entry with a very sad heart. The spot we chose to bury him is in a prominent flower bed in the yard of...

And we are off again!

We headed out for Maryland to see Sharon’s family. But on the way we made a stop over in Charleston to see Kevin and Jason. It was only for a day but we did have fun. During the day Sharon and I headed downtown for lunch and just by pure happenstance, or luck...