Our little neighborhood albino squirrel

Our little neighborhood albino squirrel

Friday evening started out with watching Farenheit 911. Talk about a movie/documentary that will get you angry. I bet even staunch Bush supporters would raise their eyebrows to watch is revealed in there. Was the American public made aware of the very close ties between the Bin Ladin family and Bush family?? Do we really realize what went on when Florida “voted” Bush into the white house? Does it not seem odd that the person in charge of overseeing the election was a former Bush family employee, and the Gov. of Florida was none other than his brother Jeb Bush? And are we aware how many millions the Bush family made in oil profits from their connection with Saudi oil? Amazing we were dupped so bad. This really is a movie that should be seen by all school kids. Just amazing!

We were planning on going to the Voodoo Music Fest in New Orleans but the plans fell through. It was a beautiful weekend, and after spending Sat. running around doing shopping and errands we went to the beach Sunday for volleyball and hang with friends. A perfect day.

I also finally got a photo of our elusive albino squirrel that lives around our house. He is very skittish and I have been “hunting” him with my camera since we moved in but had not been able to get a clear shot, until now. He was hanging out on the ground in the backyard when I spotted him through the window. I rushed to grab my camera and snuck back to the window very slowly. Using my zoom lens I was able to get closer but shooting through the old window made the shot a little out of focus, however I did get a good image of him. One of the things we were curious about was whether he was just a white squirrel or an albino one. With this pic we can see he is in factalbino due to his red eyes. He is the first we have ever seen. But it must be genetic as there is at least one more in our neighborhood.

And there you have it, not a very exciting weekend. And due to getting flack on my political posts I opted not to write about Palin “going rogue”. Or that she is setting herself up for 2012. I am going to let it go today, it is too early to get angry :) Also my heart goes out to the families of the Little Rock Anchor Woman, Anne Presley, who dead after being abducted and beaten. In addition to Jennifer Hudson who lost her brother and mother to a man who killed them then kidnapped her little nephew. I really do think the best and worst animal to be put on this planet is us, the human.