It has been quite a while since we had taken a road trip, well in our terms :) It felt to get back out on the road, but it was no in the CruiseMaster as we are weighing some heavy issues about how “green” the big RV is. And also to put it bluntly, we cannot afford to drive it :( But that will be an issue for another blog.
After spending a great week with Sharon’s Nanny, visiting thrift stores, yard sales and eating a lot of food, it was time to give her a life down south to visit Rachie, Donny, Cookie and Scooter. Plus I had offered to donate a painting for a charity auction benefiting one of the servers from Deans South of the Border where Rachie works, Rena Darva.
The Charlotte Sun, May 16, 2008:
”Beginning at 10 a.m. Saturday, Dean’s South of the Border will hold a benefit for the 35-year-old single mother of two who is fighting liposarcoma, a cancer of the soft tissue. Dalva began working at Dean’s a year ago, when the cancer was in remission. She has recently had a total of five surgeries — three to remove a portion of her lung where the cancer has recently spread — and she is still undergoing chemotherapy treatments.”
My painting was of underwater manatees as seen from above water, much like my dolphins I have been painting. It ended up going for $180, not bad as I was worried it may not sell at all in the down-troden economy of Charlotte County, and overall lack of art appreciation. It was bought by friends of Donnie and Rachie, and they really loved it. So I was thrilled to have it sell to them! If you read this blog THANK YOU AGAIN FOR HELPING ME HELP RENA!!

The Tribal 14 Fishing Skiff that was raffled off for Renã
Another reason for the trip was the baby shower. Rachie and Cookie were dying to see Sharon pregnant and to throw her a shower. They did a great job. The decorations looked great (I helped put them up:) The food was awesome and since it was a coed shower with beer it was kinda fun. We got many great gifts. One of the most thoughtful was the handmade Noah’s Ark print fitted crib sheet and mobile given to us by Kelly. Rachie and Cookie found so many cool Noah’s Ark stuff as well! I know I sound like a broken record but…we are so blessed for so many good friends in our life. Thank you all. And thanks for the boat Scooter :)
Well the trip is over, but it was a little bit of adventure which I had be so hankering for!! I discovered several lost shoes as well, even one I remembered from last time down there and did not photograph then. It was tough though when we pulled into a rest area and there was motorhome parked there, with car in tow. A coupel got out to walk their dogs. It all made me really sad. I miss those days on the road. Something about the call of the road. I loved those days and will NEVER forget them. Someday we will do it again, as a little family this time. Me, Sharon, Jack, Jinjer and little Noah :)