Here is where Noah's new dollar rests, right next to the speaker that plays his favorite song, The Unicorn Song.
What happened a year ago was that essentially after posting the bill and exiting McGuires, we noticed an Irish Noah’s Ark song was playing on the sound system! We were amazed. Could it be just coincidence?? It was a very special moment.
So anyway, I wrote his name on the bill and stapled it in a place I hoped it would remain without being knocked off or covered up like the one from last year. After doing so I went back to the table. My thoughts began to wonder back to last time. I wondered if anything special would happen this time to let us know that Noah was with us and watching over us. We got up to exit the restaurant but trish wanted to go into the gift shop. It was a minute or so and we noticed that playing on the sound system was that same song! Listen to the Unicorn Song here >>
I was shocked, I teared up immediately! Was I really hearing it?? I felt him right there looking down on us, he was surely laughing smugly, proud of himself of what he had done. I tried to record it with my phone for proof, but all that came out was muffled noise :( But Sharon and Trish were there to verify it. I was not dreaming it.
I was in a fog. I just could not process what happened. Almost too scripted to be real. I plan on returning next year at the same time to post another bill for Noah, he seems to like it when his daddy honors him :)